

I'm pretty sure my mom doesn't believe we have 2 cats anymore. This is because Munchkin (see above) is super, super shy. He's not hiding out afraid of life, really he's not! He just doesn't like noise and activity. He prefers quiet mornings with breeze coming through the windows and lots of birds chirping. Otherwise, if the house is busy and loud, he prefers to chill in a dark corner somewhere. No biggie. :)

In the above picture, which I took right when I woke up this morning, I believe he's looking for an owl. Owls "whoo-ing" are nothing new around here, but this morning's owl is particularly loud! It's the only sound that's out of the ordinary; I think that's what might have caught his attention.

In other kind-of-related news, did you know that the new iPhone software added a zoom feature for its camera? Woohoo! This is even for my ancient 3G. Another feature that I love is that I can organize my apps into folders. Ahh, folders. You should see how many folders I have on my computer! Wait, no you shouldn't. You'd make fun of me.

The 3GS also has the ability to run multiple apps at the same time. I'm a little jealous of that, I can't lie. I'm also jealous of the new iPhone's front-facing camera and flash. My contract's not up until April, though, so I guess patient I shall be.

Ok, next up: coffee and laundry. (typical summer morning!) Later today I might go back to the gym, but I'm not sure what I'll do. I want to do some weight lifting, but I'm not sure I trust myself to use new machines (new to me) without a "friend buffer" so at least if I look like an idiot I'm not alone. We'll see how brave I feel. ;-)


  1. ok, got it! and just to let you know, we have friends/relatives that don't believe Hector exisits either. Hector doesn't like people. Ha! But, I've seen both of your cats, so I'm not sure where your mom thinks Munchkin's gone.

  2. Sometimes I wish that MY cats would disappear more! I also want the new iPhone, but unfortunately, I have Verizon and I don't get out of my contract until next year. Boo.

  3. FOLDERS! I really need to update my iPhone software, but every time I try, it runs till the very end and then gets an error. ARGH.

    The improved camera/flash on the new iPhone is the thing I like best about it, but it's one of those things I can deal without, so I'll probably hold off till they get (a lot) cheaper.
